WARNING .......... for any men who may be reading this, you may not want to read any further. Graphic descriptions of periods, PMS, tampons and vaginas will be mentioned below. Read at your own risk. You have been warned.
PMS sucks.... my boobs are sore, I am on the verge of tears because I saw some little puppy on Animal Planet that had to be put to sleep, and I am starting to cramp. This just sucks. And I am not even due to start the actual "period" for a few days. You know what sucks even more, is that I am so "randy" all the time while I am all bleeding and crampy on my period. Isn't that just wrong? I mean, c'mon. Mother Nature is an evil bitch to make us women bleed for 5 days out of the month as it is, and then she has to go and make us all randy while we can't do anything about it??? How mean is that? Is that some kind of cruel joke? I mean, I don't do anything as it is, but hey, if I had a man, I would sure like to! lol. I guess that is why guys are glad we women have mouths and hands....lol.......must be nice to be a guy and to be able to get some any time they want, whether or not we are on our periods. Tampons and pads are so expensive, too. I mean, they know we NEED them, so of course they are gonna charge an arm and a leg for a box of them. If you do the tampons, you need pads too, cuz you can't wear the tampons at night. So you may as well just be a pad girl and forget about buying 2 different things, but I like tampons. They are less of a "leak" risk. I remember once upon a time in high school when I had a leak....more like a freakin flood! It was the most embarassing thing that ever happened to me. And I was wearing shorts. You can imagine how awful that was. Guys don't have to worry about that stuff. I mean, they do have to worry about wet dreams (but those happen at night in bed), and the occasional boner, but that is nothing compared to a leak! At least the boner calms down eventually and is no longer an issue. Leaks are not so easily remedied. They take a good laundry detergent to fix, and even then, sometimes, you can't fix em and you end up having to buy a new pair of shorts (or whatever you "leaked" on). Underwear are the worst leak victims though. I find it is best to wear black underwear for those days when bleeding is an issue. Right now, I don't have that problem, but in a few days, I will. I dread it every month. I think if men had to go through it every month, they would turn into blubbering fools just like we do - lol.
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