Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Elvis has left the building

Tonight's American Idol was all about Elvis. I was kinda wondering how this would go over, but overall, it went well. I think Katharine had the weakest performances of the night, with Elliot having the best of all. Elliot really stepped it up a notch tonight. His vocals were right on and he even brought out some of his personality.

Taylor's first song, "Jailhouse Rock," sucked. I didn't care for it at all. It was too hokey and too much for show. It reminded me of something you would see at a karaoke bar. I did, however, love his second song, "In The Ghetto." Although he did lose points for flashing up his finger to signal to vote for #1. Ugh. I hate it when they do that. And of course, he had to shout "soul patrol" again. I am getting annoyed with that, but oh well.

Chris did well on both of his songs. Unlike Simon, I liked his second song better than his first. He is typically the best of the bunch, but I found myself liking Elliot better.

Elliot, well, he was just awesome. Both of his performances were spot on perfect. I liked the way he stepped it up and didn't play it safe. Kudos, Elliot. Kudos. You would have my vote........if I actually voted (hehe).

Katharine, overall, was the weakest of the night. Her first song, a combo of "Hound Dog" and "All Shook Up" was kinda hokey. I think she tried to do something different, but it didn't work. Plus her attempts at dancing were worse than Taylor's. I liked her second song, "I Can't Help Falling In Love With You"....at first. Like Simon said, it turned showy and over the top at the key change in the middle. There is nothing wrong with that song to begin with. Why did they have to go and change it? It didn't work for me.

I dunno. I used to say it would be Katharine and Chris at the end, but now I am thinking that Katharine is gonna go. I love her voice, but tonight she just wasn't on her game. If it were my choice, I would send Taylor packing soley for his "Jailhouse Rock" performance. It was just so lame. But his second song did redeem him. I dunno. It is gonna be tough.

I think it is gonna be Katharine that gets sent home though. At least she is the one who deserves to go home. Still, I think Elliot may be in danger, even though he was the best of the night. I hope the voters vote right! Keep Elliot!!

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