Thursday, May 11, 2006

More American Idol crap

I am still mad about Chris getting booted from American Idol. I think the American public has gone nuts to pick Katharine over Chris, but then I am inclined to think that the votes don't actually count anyway. Stupid show. Still, I was reading around and what some people had to say actually made sense. For one, Chris is the "rocker" and no "rocker" has ever won American Idol. Last year Bo Bice came close, but in the end, the All-American Carrie Underwood took it all. Second, Chris is better not winning the show because I doubt very many bands would take him too seriously as the winner of American Idol. He got enough exposure on the show that someone is gonna pick him up, and yes, there are rumors that he might be the next lead singer for Fuel. I have read that on many places. Thirdly, he didn't have the likeable factor that Taylor and Katharine have. Taylor is a crowd pleaser. I don't think his music will translate as well to an audio record as it would to maybe something like Broadway or something, where his charisma would come in handy. And of course, Katharine has the teenage boys' vote now that all the other girls are out of the competition. Chris has power in his voice and a commanding stage presence, but he didn't compromise himself (which I don't think one should ever do in the first place, but then the show is a popularity contest and not always a talent contest, and sometimes to win, you gotta compromise...kudos to him for not doing so.). I think, again this is going on whether or not you think the votes actually count, that many of the voters thought that Chris was a shoe-in and didn't NEED the votes to make it to the final 3. So they voted for Elliot, the underdog, and Katharine because she was in danger of being eliminated. Taylor, who has never been in the lowest votes range, was obviously safe. Of course, this left Chris in the dust, but so what. You know you will be seeing more of him.

I am still pissed though. Grrrrr

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