Monday, March 28, 2005

Monday, Monday, Monday

Monday.........ugh. I am still not awake yet, and I have already drank a Dr Pepper and had some cappuccino jelly beans (which, by the way, are the best food invention since caramel!). It is rainy outside, I am all crampy (UGH! what a way to start a week), and I have a doctor appointment this afternoon, which I KNOW is gonna take forever and a day, even though I only have to go for test results. That doctor is sooooooooooo slow. I forgot my book, too. Damn. Which means I will either have to sit and stare at the wall for an hour or so, or read those Parenthood magazines. By the time I actually have a kid, I will be well enough versed on the trials and tribulations of mommyhood, as I have spent enough time in my gyno's waiting room to read at least 100 of those magazines. Why can't they get some People or Time magazines in there for those of us who are only there for pap smears?? lol

Well, I hope the rest of the day goes better than it has been so far. I am in so much pain right now. I started taking "the pill" to make the cramps go away, for crying out loud. I hate periods!!!!!!!!! Men are so lucky! lol.

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