Now, I don't have anything against Britney, but I don't think she is ready for mommyhood yet. First, she has only been married for a few months, and she only knew the guy for a few months before she got married. Second, she acts like a complete idiot half of the time, and like a complete ditz the other half. Walking around barefoot in bathrooms is not something I would encourage a child to do. But, if that is what she wants, then by all means, go ahead. Just don't name your kid something like "Watermelon" or, heaven forbid, "Kevin Jr." At least the girl will have money to pay nannies and buy diapers and stuff for her kid. And hopefully, if the kid grows up to be a singer, he/she will sing better than his/her mom! (Lord knows Britney only got famous for her looks and dancing ability and not her singing!) I just think Brit needs to grow up a bit before thrusting herself into the mommy role. Pardon the bad pun, but she is still not a girl, and not quite a woman. (Let's just hope her implants don't hinder her ability to breast feed - lol)
Meanwhile, at least Jessica Simpson has a good enough head on her shoulders to refrain from baby-making at the moment. I like Jessica Simpson. I think she is smart enough to know that acting dumb can make you a lot of money. Now that is thinking! And, the girl can sing. Whether she can act remains to be seen. She will be playing Daisy Duke in the upcoming Dukes of Hazard film (a role she apparently won over Britney Spears). That should be interesting. I just find the whole Newlyweds show just fascinating. Jessica and Nick look very much in much it is almost sugary-sickening. But they are also very cute and playful with each other, and I think that is what makes them so endearing.
Now, Ashlee Simpson, on the other hand, is not playing the "dumb-card." She is playing the whole "Rebel-I-Don't-Care-What-Anyone-Thinks card." So much, that she even went brunette. Whether that was done to get out of her sister's shadow, I don't know. Now, the girl can sing a lot better than Britney, but not quite as good as her sister. And just because she lip-synched on tv doesn't mean she can't sing. Have you ever seen a Britney Spears performance?? That girl lip synchs all the time and no one bashes her about it. People have their down days, and I don't know about you, but I would rather hear a lip-synched performance than some raspy-voiced half-assed performance. I think she looks pretty good as a brunette, by the way. (Brunettes rock! - hehe)
Christina Aguilera CAN sing. She can belt out those songs like it's no one's business. Who cares if the girl dresses crazy and changes her hair all the time. It is her hair, and she is the one wearing the clothes. It is much better to see someone being herself than being some cookie-cutter girl who does exactly what everyone tells her to do. I like people who aren't afraid to just be themselves. And she is one of them. You go girl.
I don't know why I am even going on about all of this, because I don't even listen to any of the above singers (although I do watch The Newlyweds frequently - lol). Must be because I have nothing else to do at the moment - hehe.
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