Sunday, May 08, 2005

I assure you I am NOT crazy - lol

Contrary to Arlene's belief, there is nothing going on with me. Arlene wrote me an email asking what was going on with me because I have been writing about my past and taking off on spontaneous day trips and stuff. Well, the writing about my past is called "reminiscing." Sometimes, I like to think back on the events of my past and write about them, because they were happy times. Even the not-so-happy times are kind of nice to think about, because you can look back and remember and realize how strong you were to be able to get through them. It is just like when I go visit my folks and my mom will end up telling me some story that happened to her when she was a kid. I love to hear about those things.

About my day trips... I have always wanted to go out and explore, but never got the nerve to do it by myself. I always wanted someone to go with me. But I guess I am getting more independent, and realize that I don't have to rely on others to do things with me in order for me to do them myself. I love exploring. I am a nature freak. I love to be able to go out and see new places and do new things. I really do. And having a digital camera gives me a new excuse to do it. I love taking pictures. I love it! I am a photography whore! lol. I want to go to Yosemite next and then maybe Red Rock Canyon in Nevada ... and then maybe to Bishop, CA or to Big Bear. I would love to go to the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone. I want to see everything! I don't have enough money to go flying around the world or anything, but there is no reason why I can't explore the country I live in.

So, no, I am not crazy. I have no secret agenda. I have always been spontaneous. I don't like making plans. I like to just pick up and go and see where the day takes me. You can't really plan your life. You can have ideas on how you want it to be, but you can't really have a set blue-print on how it is going to turn out. You just need to get on the road and go where it leads. I may not be any grand explorer or anything, but I am having fun and seeing places I have never been. It is great! You should try it sometime.

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