Sunday, May 08, 2005

Road Trip

It is 1:30 am and I just got home about a half an hour ago. I decided this morning to go to Red Rock Canyon National Park. So I hopped in my car and took off. It was looking to be a nice day, but it was sure cloudy up in Tehachapi. I thought that I picked the wrong day to go and was starting to worry, but it cleared up near Mojave and I was relieved. It was a beautiful day. It really was. Not too hot, not too cold. Just perfect. I got out of the car to do some exploring and to take pictures (I posted a bunch of them above). There were quite a few people out there doing the same thing I was doing. The only bad thing was I had to pee REALLY bad and had to resort to using one of those outhouse things - lol. Boy that was stinky! Reminded me of all those camps I went to as a kid.

After I finished up my exploring at Red Rock, I decided, why not go to Death Valley, too? It was only, like another 2-3 hours from there - lol. It was actually not a bad drive. It was about 113 miles from Baker, CA, and the drive along the CA 127 was actually very pretty. When I got to Death Valley, it was like I was in another world. Well, it was VERY different world from Bakersfield - lol. The drive back was very long ... and dark - lol. But as I was driving along the road back to Baker, I stopped for a few minutes on the side of the road, turned off the car, turned off the lights and turned off the radio and got out and just looked up at the stars. It was a sight that is hard to describe. Complete blackness (the moon was nowhere in sight) and the sky full of stars, and no sound except for the crickets. It was so peaceful. It is hard to imagine such a place existing, especially when you are used to the hustle and bustle of the city, where a place completely devoid of light and sound is just nonexistant. It was really amazing.

As I was driving along that dark road, I ALMOST hit a few animals ... 5 mice and 3 jackrabbits to be exact. I know that all of the bunnies and 4 of the mice escaped for sure....the 5th mouse, I am not sure about - lol. Poor little guy. I don't like to hit animals, no matter how small they are. One of those danged jackrabbits decided to cross the road and I nearly hit him. The others just stepped out on the road and then changed their minds about it. I don't know why the chicken crossed the road, but I can be sure that I know why that rabbit crossed the scare the sh*t out of me!

Yeah, it was a long day, and a long drive, but it was fun. I like taking day trips. Ever since I got this digital camera, I have been aching to go everywhere. I wonder what I will do this weekend? Hmmm.... to be continued - lol.

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