Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Told ya so

I knew Anthony had sung his last song on American Idol. He was kicked off tonight. He just wasn't as good as the other 3. Looks like the voters are finally getting it right. I think it is going to come down to Bo and Carrie. I hope Carrie wins. She is just so good. She gives me goosebumps when she sings sometimes. But Bo, he is just so good, too. I don't know. I just don't know.

In other news, I heard that Dave Chappelle is in some kind of mental health facility. I hope he gets help with whatever he needs and makes a speedy return to Comedy Central! I am so bummed that they are postponing the new season of the Chappelle Show. But I am sure all that pressure to keep up with the funniness (ok, so I know it is not a word) of his show has probably gotten to him. Take care, bitch!

My friend Mike gave me a new computer program and a new game to mess around with. I love learning new stuff. But the Visual Studio is a little overwhelming. I am sure I will have tons of fun playing around with it - hehe. I love techie stuff! I am such a wannabe computer geek.

I am off to bed. I can sleep a little easier knowing I don't have to be a witness at a danged appeals hearing tomorrow cuz it was postponed. I hate anything legal. I get so nervous! lol. And my tummy ache is gone too. Sweet dreams to me...hehe.

1 comment:

Netter said...

I had stated for the record that if Anthony didnt get voted off AI, I was going to stop watching it forever. (It would have been almost impossible to withstand the withdrawl pains.) He should have gone weeks ago....Gag. I am a huge Carrie fan. I would buy her CD in a heart beat. I like Bo too...Jez, these shows are so stressful.

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