Friday, May 13, 2005


... even if it is a Friday the 13th. I am not superstitious, so it makes no difference to me. I wonder if they will be playing any Friday the 13th movies on tv tonight...hmmm. If I were superstitious, I would have thought that yesterday was Friday the 13th. After all, we were so busy at work and all, and then last night...ok...let me recap. Well for one thing, my neighbor's cat ran into my apartment last night. I was sitting on my couch in the living room last night watching MXC on tv, when I heard a sort of bumping sound behind me. Thinking it was just the wind, I paid no attention to it. But I noticed that I didn't feel any breeze. Weird. Anyhow, the sound went away for a few minutes, but then it came back...bump....bump. What the heck was that?? I turned around....nothing. Yet, the sound persisted. Bump...bump. I looked down and saw my neighbor's cat sitting on top of my little table on my porch, hitting my window screen with its paw. How cute. I was getting scared for nothing. The cat was just playing with the window screen. But as the cat reared up to play up higher, the table toppled over and the cat went down with it. I got up and walked outside to put the table back and the cat ran into my apartment. Now, the cat was cute, but I have fish and a hamster and I don't think they would particularly like a cat roaming about, so I had to get it out of my place. Plus, I am allergic to cats and I didn't want to spend the night sneezing. So, I walked over to it and picked it up, and the danged thing bit my hand. Not very hard, but enough to draw some blood. Ouch. I didn't get mad at the cat though. It was probably just wanting to lie down on some carpet instead of the cold old cement. It was still funny though. And weird.

The night's weirdness didn't stop there though. I went to bed around 10:30 or so. I was sleepy. I just wanted to lie down and go to sleep, but noooooooooooo. My next door neighbor was being an ass munch and kept hitting the walls ...thud....thud....for what seemed like an hour. I don't know what he was doing....frankly, I don't give a crap. But he was interfering with my sleepy time, damnit, and I was getting pissed. After a while, it stopped, and I fell into a light sleep. Then, all of a sudden, out of nowhere, in the middle of the silence, THUD! I got so scared I let out a little scream. After my little fright wore off, I started getting mad again. I could feel my blood pressure rising. Thud....thud....for like another 20 minutes, and then it stopped. Finally I could sleep....

WRONG! Because, next, the neighbor who lives below me decided midnight was a good time to listen to some hip hop music...loudly. And what's worse, is it was the same damned beat over and over again...duh duh duhduh duh... duh duh duhduh duh...UGH! What was with these people?! Have they never heard of sleeping?? I think the guy must have only had that one song on a cd or something. Geez. After a while it stopped, and I finally feel asleep...only to wake up again at 3 am to hear the SAME DAMNED SONG....but even louder. WTF?! 3 am is not the right time for loud music damnit! I was ready to go down there, pjs and all, and knock on the fuckhead's door and tell him to turn off the crap, but I didn't. After a while, the volume got lower and I fell asleep again...only to wake up at 5 am to hear the same damned muthafreakin music. The guy must be a vampire or something. I have no other explanation. This is the same guy who has his friends over every weekend who spend all night laughing and shouting and bumping into walls and just driving me crazy. I feel like leaving a note on his door telling him to shut the fuck up, but who knows what the ass munch will do. It would be best to just report it to the landlord and leave it at that. I don't like things interfering with my sleep. Sleep is precious to me. Sleep is the best part of the day! lol.

I hope tonight that ass munch got his fill of music last nite and will forego any music listening tonite. I am going to the Sequoia National Park tomorrow and want to get rested up. It is about a 3 hour drive there. I will post pics in the near future ;)

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