Monday, May 09, 2005

Office Space

If you haven't seen Office Space, see it! It is hilarious, and a very accurate representation of the disgruntled employee, as represented by Peter Gibbons (played by Ron Livingston). He gets hypnotized and ends up deciding that he doesn't want to work anymore and his lackadaisical attitude actually ends up getting him promoted. And then, more hilarity ensues. Especially funny is Stephen Root as "Milton." Check it out sometime when you are in the mood for some laughs.

Dom Portwood: Hello, Peter. What's happening? We need to talk about your TPS reports.
Peter Gibbons: Yeah. The coversheet. I know, I know. Uh, Bill talked to me about it.
Dom Portwood: Yeah. Uh, did you get that memo?
Peter Gibbons: Yeah. I got the memo. And I understand the policy. The problem is, I just forgot this one time. And I've already taken care of it so it's not even a problem anymore.
Dom Portwood: Yeah. It's just that we're putting new coversheets on all the TPS reports *before* they go out now. So if you could just remember to do that from now on, that'd be great. Alright!

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