Tuesday, April 05, 2005


(Nuff said)

Gosh, I hate mornings. When my alarm clock so rudely woke me up this morning, I said something equally rude to it, even tho it is an inanimate object and cannot understand a thing I said, which is probably for the best. It is not the alarm clock's fault. It is just doing its job. As they say, "don't shoot the messenger." I think though, had I had a gun, I probably would have shot that damned clock anyhow. I blame this daylight savings time thing, which has completely ruined my sleeping schedule. I can't seem to go to bed at a decent hour, and waking up at that ungodly time in the morning was bad enough as it was before we "lost" that hour of sleep. I say "lost" because we only lost that hour on Sunday, which was a normal weekend day where I don't have to wake up early anyway. Still, I was so used to waking up at a certain time in the morning, that my body was "trained" to wake up then, and now this whole time change thing has forced me to "re-train." This is going to take some getting used to.

I am sitting here at work, with no real work to do at the moment. I do have a few cases to review, but there are only 2 at the moment, and I don't wanna do them both now. If I do, I will have nothing to do in the afternoon. Maybe I will do a crossword or play some more Inspector Parker, which I seem to be somewhat addicted to. Damned online games!!

Need ...... caffeine......need........sugar.....need.....to.....wake......up....

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