Tuesday, April 05, 2005


It was "showtunes" night on American Idol. Carrie was fantastic, as were Anwar and Vonzelle. I liked Constantine tonite, too. Bo, however, who I usually like, sucked, but then, this was not his element so I forgive him. Anthony was terrible! He needs to go home. I liked him at first, and among contestants of lesser caliber, he stood out. But now, he is overshadowed by much better singers. It is his time to go. I wasn't all that crazy about Nikko's performance either. Nadia was good, but the last part of her song, I felt was a little flat. My bottom 3 would be Anthony, Nikko, and Scott, but judging by the last 2 shows, Nadia will probably be down there again. Anthony is definitely going home. If someone else goes home besides him, Nikko or Scott, I will be pissed. Carrie did an awesome job, even though her song was boring, like the judges said. I hope she wins it all.

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