What is wrong with American Idol voters? Why was Anthony not in the bottom 3? What were they thinking putting Vonzell down there?? Now, Nikko and Scott, I agree with, but not Vonzell. I am glad she stayed, because if she had gone home, I would have been pissed. At least Nikko went home and not someone like Carrie or Bo. I still say Anthony should have been sent packing, and I am not alone in my opinion, but oh well. America has spoken (haha).
I was watching The Daily Show last nite, and they revisited this kid who they had previously did a story on about him wanting to play football, but his head was too big for a helmet, so he couldn't play. Funny, right? Well, I was talking to someone on the phone at the time (whose name will remain unsaid in order to preserve his reputation as a cool dude - hehe), and he told me that when he first played football in school, he was given a helmet and pads, and he put them on. All good so far. When his mom came to pick him up, she was going to take him to Dairy Queen for some ice cream, and when he got in the car, his helmet was still on. She asked him to take it off, and he responded, "I can't." Seems the helmet was too small and it got stuck on his head. After about a half an hour of pulling on it and a few tablespoons of Crisco, they finally got it off. I was laughing soooo hard, because I could just picture it so clearly in my head....a mom, Crisco, a helmet, a scared kid, and a lot of determination. You just can't make this stuff up!!! Truth is so much funnier than fiction. (sorry....I HAD to tell this ... it was just too funny!!!)
I was watching The Daily Show last nite, and they revisited this kid who they had previously did a story on about him wanting to play football, but his head was too big for a helmet, so he couldn't play. Funny, right? Well, I was talking to someone on the phone at the time (whose name will remain unsaid in order to preserve his reputation as a cool dude - hehe), and he told me that when he first played football in school, he was given a helmet and pads, and he put them on. All good so far. When his mom came to pick him up, she was going to take him to Dairy Queen for some ice cream, and when he got in the car, his helmet was still on. She asked him to take it off, and he responded, "I can't." Seems the helmet was too small and it got stuck on his head. After about a half an hour of pulling on it and a few tablespoons of Crisco, they finally got it off. I was laughing soooo hard, because I could just picture it so clearly in my head....a mom, Crisco, a helmet, a scared kid, and a lot of determination. You just can't make this stuff up!!! Truth is so much funnier than fiction. (sorry....I HAD to tell this ... it was just too funny!!!)
My computer here at work has been a pain in the ass lately. It takes forever to open any Word or Excel documents, and now it has seemed to spread to my neighbor's computer, too. Just one more thing to gripe about. Speaking of griping, I read some of the most ridiculous stuff that people are griping about at work on my email. Every once in a while, they email everyone out "Suggestions" (which is really just a long complaint list). One person complained about perfumes, saying that no one should wear them because some people have allergies. What they really said is "can you stress the importance of being 'fragrance free'?" Ok....now, I, for one, hate it when people come in smelling like they took a bath in cologne. But, as long as a person has a light fragrance on, it is fine. There is NO way a person can be completely fragrance free. If that were the case, they could not even wear deoderant. I don't know about you, but I would not like to be smelling that "au naturale" kind of fragrance all day long. And even if you had a so-called "fragrance free" workplace, you could not force the clients to abide by that rule. People need to be more realistic in their "suggestions." Also mentioned was the importance of washing your hands after using the restroom, but that is common sense. Apparently someone has been observing people leaving the bathroom without washing their hands. While I am sure this happens, I don't think we need the "bathroom police" watching every move we make (bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do when you have to poo?)
Today is Thursday....thank the lord! 3-day weekend is only hours away. Yippeeee!
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