Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Who didn't see this coming...

Spears, Husband to Star in Reality Series

NEW YORK - Pop singer Britney Spears and hubby Kevin Federline have said "I do" to star in a UPN reality series that documents their courtship, engagement and wedding.

Featuring what UPN bills as "exclusive, never-before-seen private home videos" of their "personal love story," the six-episode series is scheduled to premiere later this season. It picks up shortly after the pair met in Los Angeles and headed to Europe on tour, where Federline performed as a backup dancer for Spears.

UPN is also shooting new footage and commentary with the couple.

They were married last fall, amid much speculation and publicity. More recently, the 23-year-old Spears has lashed out at tabloid magazines for reporting that she is pregnant and that the marriage is on the rocks. (This is her second marriage, following her mere hours-long wedlock in January 2004 to childhood friend Jason Alexander.)

"I feel that last year the tabloids ran my life," said the Grammy Award-winning singer in commenting on her new series, "and I am really excited about showing my fans what really happened rather than all the stories, which have been misconstrued by journalists in the past."

. . . well, it seems Britney and Kevin are gonna have their own show now, following in the footsteps of Jessica Simpson and Nich Lachey. Seems kind of ironic that she would want a reality series based on her when she has been so anti-media lately. I knew this was coming though. After all, Jessica and Nick's show The Newlyweds has been so popular. I will probably tune in once or twice, just to see how stupid this show will be. And I assure you, it will be. They better hope their show airs soon before all of this reality-based tv crap gets played out. I am tired of "reality" tv. If I wanted reality, I would watch the news!

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