Friday, April 08, 2005

Where did this rain come from? ? ?

As I sit here, it is pouring outside. Nowhere in the forecast did it say anything about rain! Of course, since I figured it would not rain today (after all the weather report said nothing about rain! lol), I washed my car. And now it is raining. UGH! I can't win! At least my car is parked under a carport, so that provides some rain protection, but not much when the wind is blowing the rain all over the place. Oh well. At least it looked clean for a few hours. At least the rain has died down now.

My flowers are still alive (everbody say YAY! lol).

Went to visit my parents today. My brother is sick. He's probably hacking up one of his lungs right now as I speak. Poor Mark. Poor, poor Mark.

I am going out of town tomorrow to the coast. I hope it is not raining tomorrow - lol.

It is pouring outside again. When will this rain stop???

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