Saturday, April 23, 2005


I woke up at 9:30 this morning (early for me on a weekend - lol), and being that it was sunny outside, I decided I would give CALM another try. I made it out there around 11:30 and it was already pretty warm. The forecast said "scattered thunderstorms" for later, so I figured, the sooner I went out there, the better. It only cost $4.50 to get in, which isn't bad. It is a lot bigger that I expected. You can walk along the trails around the exhibits with wildflowers and other plants and trees surrounding them. It was something you would never expect to be in Bakersfield. The bears were asleep, and so were some of the foxes. The roadrunners were so cute, but they wouldn't stay still enough to let me take a picture of them - lol. The raccoons were noisy! Apparently, a new raccoon had moved in the cage behind them, and the resident male was busy asserting his authority - lol. There is a place inside where you can have a picnic lunch, too, and a gift shop. It was a cool place to visit. I posted some pics on here for you to see.

you can check out their website at

(it is starting to cloud up as I speak - lol)

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