Sunday, April 17, 2005

Mountain Trip

I took a trip up to Lake Isabella today, just for the fun of it. The weather was beautiful, and of course I took pictures - hehe. I also decided to go up to Wofford Heights, since I had worked at a summer camp up there when I was 17. Then I decided to go further up...up to Greenhorn Summit, some 6100 odd feet up in the mountains. It was gorgeous.. all the trees and wildflowers, and there were still a few patches aof snow left, too. The only problem was that the road was steep on the way down, and my brakes got too hot and boy did they stink! I had to pull over for a while to let them cool off, which, of course, gave me some more picture opportunities and a little chance to explore. When I finally left, I drove down the mountain road in 2nd gear so I went slower. That road is as windey as the 178 thru Kern Canyon! I was so relieved to get back down to Lake Isabella! I drove back home, taking side roads here and there, just to see where they went. I had a blast, but I know it probably would have bored anyone else, so I went alone - lol. When I got back into Bakersfield, I drove past Lake Ming and Hart Park. It is amazing that as long as I have lived in this town, there were still places I hadn't seen. I want to go out to CALM (California Living Museum) this upcoming weekend. They have a zoo! lol. It was a nice day. I think I need to get out and drive somewhere every weekend - lol.

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