Wednesday, April 20, 2005

You need to yawn? You are gonna have to pay for it

Next time you have to go to jury duty, make sure you have some caffeine before you go. I would rather pay 80 cents for a can of soda than $100 for yawning. But I think I might rather pay $100 than to serve on a jury. Hmmmm....maybe the guy knew what he was doing- lol.

Juror Fined For Yawning In Court
Strange News - AP

LOS ANGELES - Call it a rude awakening. A juror was cited for contempt and fined $1,000 by a judge for yawning loudly while awaiting questioning in an attempted murder trial. The fine later was reduced to $100.

The yawn came after the man, identified as Juror No. 2386 in an April 1 court transcript, had been sitting in a courtroom for two days as part of jury selection.

"You yawned rather audibly there. As a matter of fact, it was to the point that it was contemptuous," Superior Court Judge Craig Veals said.

"I'm sorry, but I'm really bored," the juror said.

"I'm sorry?" the judge responded.

When the juror repeated his statement, he was admonished by the judge for having a "lousy" attitude.

"Your boredom just cost you $1,000 I'm finding you in contempt," Veals said. "Are you quite so bored now?"

The judge later called the yawn disruptive.

"I can't run a court when I have someone behaving the way you did," Veals said.

The juror paid the fine after it was reduced to $100. Ultimately, he was questioned but not selected for the trial.

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