Saturday, April 23, 2005

I hate ants!

Death To The Ants

They march around in a long, windey line,
These pesky, creepy, biting, foes of mine.
The ants invade my space, and even my dreams,
I really hate ants, or so it seems.
Into my home they creep and crawl,
On the floor,the desk and along the walls.
Out comes the Raid to intercept their invasion,
One by one they's utter devastation.
I feel justice has been done, death to the ants!
No more shall they crawl into my food and my pants.
The few that survive crawl wearily away,
Probably to come back to bug me another day.
The ants are no more, I can finally rest,
When it comes to ant killing, Raid is the best!

(yes, I hate ants....anyone who knows me knows this - I wrote this after I had another dream about ants invading my apartment. There is a line of ants outside my apartment downstairs, and everytime I walk by it, I make sure I stomp on a few of those suckers. Oh I hate them! Hate, hate, hate them!)

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