Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Even more reasons why I HATE Spam:

Paid Surveys
Your opinion could be worth $1000
(I am still waiting for my reward on the last time I expressed my opinion)

ChristianCash Assistance
Need up to 1500 USD today. Christian cash assistance is here
(What exactly is the difference between regular cash assistance and Christian cash assistance? Is the interest rate only 999% instead of 1000%?)

Drop the Weight While You Sleep
(ok - what's the catch ... and just how long do you have to sleep?)

Olen Pierre
Str.ip talents
(What is Str.ip talent??? Try spell check next time, Olen)

Adult Offers
Get connected with girls who want to date!
(no thanks - I am a woman - how many times do I have to explain this?)

BridgetGibbs8454@ yahoo.com
you should check out this cool mating site.
(mating site??ummm.... no thanks - I think I will pass)

BridgetGibbs8454@ yahoo.com
you should check out this cool mating site.
(apparently Bridget doesn't give up very easily)

Rickie Roth
Raw anal seex
(ewww - no thank you!! - and by the way, you spelled "sex" wrong, Rickie)

Dan Sweeney
Hot trannies
(I don't even know what a tranny is - is it like a trainee? or a granny who is a trainee? Ok...I just looked it up online and I really did not need to know that... no thank you!!!!)

Attn Coffee Lovers
Finally experience real coffee pleasure
(I don't know whether to take this one on face value or not, seeing as how many sexual spam messages I get - for all I know "coffee pleasure" might be having sex with coffee - great - now I am thinking like a pervert! thanks alot Spam!)

Adult Offers
Date these online Skanks
(sure .... advertise them as skanks and see everyone jump at once - once again, I will have to decline)

Banana Deals
Get a Bachelor’s degree online!
(somehow the words "Banana Deals" and "Bachelor's degree" just don't go well together)

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